
The Saffy & Eleanor book series is for kids of all ages, but especially those from 7-10.

The first book in the series, Saffy Sparkles & Eleanor Jack, follows the daily adventures of two sisters, who are complete opposites. Saffy is a grade-school, girly-girl with big emotions, who loves to help others but always seems to find herself in curious circumstances in doing so. And Eleanor is a denim-loving, science-enthusiast, who loves computers and chicken nuggets.

Although the sisters are very different, and they argue a lot because of it, they usually find a way to come together.

Saffy’s adventures in the book, Saffy Sparkles & Eleanor Jack, will find children (and parents) laughing hysterically, but also feeling the emotions of a young tween and a teen, who feel the weight of their own worlds. And, how they each see life in a different perspective. The reader will be able to get an “inside look” at both sister’s thoughts, and how these thoughts shape outcomes in life.

In this first book of the series, Saffy battles the big emotions that kids often have to work through in everyday life. Kids will learn how Saffy and Eleanor work through their emotions, deal with consequences and look for, and celebrate, positive outcomes. And hopefully, this can become a guidance for readers as well!